Please download the supporting documents and read them. We have separated the content into the sub-topics the DBE suggests should be covered over the year. This allows members to design their weekly unit by choosing lessons from the sub-topics within these main categories.
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Presenting
- Language Structures and Conventions
Members using the E-Academy video lesson and worksheet website will find content reorganised similarly to include video lessons where we have them for that sub-topic. Reorganising the content in this way will make it easier for members to find the content they want and will assist schools that need to teach in suggested weekly content structures. The key word here is ‘suggested’ as all schools teach slightly differently with the same result, covering all content assigned for that year. Our assessment papers are designed for revision purposes for students. They are not intended for use by teachers to replace papers that teachers should explicitly write to include content they have covered in class.