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Worksheet Resources $40/year
Worksheet Resources $40/year

February 2017

Posted: 03 Mar 2017

As learners are well into the academic programme of the first term, please remember to download our support content from: www.e-classroom.co.za. New content is uploaded weekly and the following NEW content is available:

Afrikaans First Additional Language Grades 1-9
Mathematics Grade 1-10
English Home Language Grades 1-7

We would also like to extend our grateful thanks to Kyknet


for partnering with us to bring our much-needed Afrikaans educational content to you! This is currently in development and will be on line soon. We trust you will find these papers helpful.


Additional income for teachers

We are always looking for new resources. If you are a qualified teacher and would like to earn additional income by selling your teaching resources, please contact [email protected]. We are looking for resources in All languages and subjects. All information will be kept confidential.


School content licenses

We have been assisting schools with bulk registrations for teachers. Should you require assistance with bulk registrations to access our lesson plans and worksheets, please contact [email protected].


Posters for the Classroom:

Do you need posters and wall charts for your classroom? What poster topics inspire your learners? What NEW posters do you want to see in your classroom? Share your ideas and stand a chance to win a set of e-Classroom posters for your classroom and a stationery hamper from Faber-Castell.


Simply email your poster idea + your name and Name of your school to: [email protected].


Ambassador programme for learners

In South Africa, IFAW is already doing that via their “Ambassadors for Animals Programme” in partnership with E-Classroom. Our 14 fabulous ambassadors from schools around the country have received their first assignments and are getting ready to rock their fellow learners with fun facts and activities to engage youth in conservation, environment and animal welfare issues.

Friday, March 3rd is World Wildlife Day. All over the world millions of people will be doing things that celebrate wildlife. Given that almost one quarter of the world’s population is aged between 10 and 24, vigorous efforts are being made to encourage young people, as future leaders and decision makers, to act to protect endangered wildlife. That’s why WWD 2017 is being celebrated under the theme “Listen to the Young Voices.”

Lookout for ongoing reports and pictures of their progress and find IFAW’s curriculum linked worksheets on elephants and biodiversity on E-Classroom.

The hunt for our 2018 Ambassadors is just a few months away, and the worksheets could help you become one of IFAW’s coveted Ambassadors for Animals. 



New SACE accredited course

We are pleased to announce our new SACE accredited workshop – CALM Classrooms. If you want to build resiliency to stress, and create calm and productive children, then this course is for you.

Calm Classrooms is a comprehensive yet accessible tool kit to support the wellbeing development of children. In our hands-on training workshop you will learn about the importance of nurturing the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of yourself as well as the young people you work with.

What will you learn?
• Where to spot negative stress and our reaction to it
• How negative stress affects the brain and body’s ability to function
• How to manage and reflect upon your personal stress
• What factors influence negative stress in child development
• How breathing, relaxing, moving, focusing and connecting to others can positively impact the brain and body’s ability to function
• How to address a child’s physical, social and emotional needs, thus improving learning-readiness by developing internal skill development in the area of self-awareness and emotional self-management


You will leave the workshop with knowledge, skill and the confidence to implement the Calm Classrooms card deck techniques in a range of contexts: class teaching and management, children with learning barriers, intervention groups, counselling, whole school projects and integration
into the school day/ curriculum and environment.
R800 including manual x 4 modules
R100 Calm Classrooms card deck- wellness learning resource


Friday 10th March 3pm – 7pm Module 1&2
Saturday 11 March 9pm – 1pm Module 3&4


Cape Town CBD:
Friday 17th March 3pm – 7pm Module 1&2
Saturday 18th March 9pm – 1pm Module 3&4


Somerset West:
Friday 24th March 3pm – 7pm Module 1&2
Saturday 25th March 9pm – 1pm Module 3&4


Who facilitates the workshop?
Jeanne Welsh: Founder of Wellness for kids. Wellness Activist. Creator, Co-author and facilitator of Calm Classrooms. Children’s and adult Yoga instructor and NLP Master Practitioner.

Due to demand, our Social and Emotional Learning course will soon be available online – please keep a look out for notices. Schools wanting to host workshops can contact [email protected].

Until next time,
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
Anthony J. D’Angelo


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