April 2017
As Term 2 is an exam term, our writers have been growing our primary and high school contribution of mock exam papers daily. Maths, Geography, History, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences have been developed in both English and Afrikaans and are now online. English Home Language, Afrikaans Home Language and Afrikaans FAL are also in production and will be online soon, so please keep an eye out for these papers. Our Afrikaans Home Language termly support content is also in production and new material is being added weekly.
What’s new:
One-on-One tutoring
We started the year promising positive changes and we assured you that we would start offering our members value added services. We are delighted to announce that we have collaborated with SKILLUPTUTORS who offer one-on-one tutoring services. All our members benefit by getting R 100.00 discount off their first lesson. Should you wish to make use of this service, click here to redeem your voucher.
On line video learning
We are very pleased to introduce Mathematics video tutorials to our offering for our learners. Grades 8 & 9 video lessons are now online and more grades will follow soon.
Teacher training sponsorship
We understand the importance of upskilling and can now offer qualifying members our SACE accredited MATHS courses, available online at www.trainingteachers.org.za. Members who wish to take advantage of the sponsorship opportunity for professional development points, should fill in the online form and return it for evaluation asap to [email protected]. Click here to download the application form.
School support resources donation
As part of our SED offering, we provide support resources to schools who need/are lacking resources. Should you wish to register to receive these resources or know of a school who would benefit from these resources and support, please email [email protected] with the header enquiry: school support resources.
Terms of use e-Classroom website
It has been brought to our attention that some companies are trying to sell their hardware/tablets/CMS or LMSystems using our content. Please kindly bring this to our attention should you be approached by any company or person wanting to do this. WE HAVE NOT GIVEN ANY COMPANY PERMISSION TO USE OUR CONTENT ON TABLETS OR ANY OTHER SYSTEM. This is illegal and we reserve the right to take legal action against perpetrators operating in this manner. Our content should only be used by members paying for individual membership or via a school license. In this instance, we would like to remind all our members of our terms and conditions:
“You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, incorporate into another web site, or in any other way exploit any of the content.”
Each member/user should pay the R30.00 admin charge for the year and must have their own profile. Schools may opt to have licenses for all their teachers. Should you have any queries, report back on offenders, or require a license, please email me: [email protected]
Teacher training courses:
Do you want to build resiliency to stress, learn mindfulness and create happy and productive children?
Our new “Calm Classrooms” course has been SACE accredited for 10 CPD points and the first workshop “Introduction to calming techniques for children” will be held on 27 May Time: 9am – 1pm; Place: 4073 Valley Road Hout Bay, Cape Town; Cost: Cost: R900
Calm Classrooms is a comprehensive yet accessible tool kit to support wellbeing development and an improved capacity to navigate the many stresses of life. Calm Classrooms offers over 35 techniques, divided into five elements: Connect, Breathe, Move, Focus and Relax. As part of the training you will receive these techniques in a beautifully illustrated card deck complete with easy-to-read, succinct instructions as well as a training manual.
Please email [email protected] for bookings
In closing, we wish you luck for the upcoming exams. Please remember to encourage the learners to make use of our practice exam papers. Please also feel free to email any comments/suggestions on how we can improve our service to you.
Until next time, I leave you with this quote:
“Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it’s not random.”
Ken Robinson
Enjoy the week ahead.
Yours in education