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Worksheet Resources $40/year

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High school contains those critical five years before entering university, college or the workplace. Choosing subjects at school is an important part of a learner’s life, as they take the first steps on the path of their potential future career. Ensure your child is making the most of the resources available on the E-Classroom website, in conjunction with their school resources. Allow them to consider what subjects they enjoy and are passionate about and choose subjects that will help them towards a career they are interested in. Learners are far more likely to succeed in subjects they enjoy than in those they don’t!

There are 3 pass levels:
1. Higher certificate
2. Diploma
3. Bachelors pass (previously known as an exemption).

Here are the matric pass requirements for each of these levels:

Higher certificate pass requirements

• Must obtain at least 40% in your Home Language,
• Must obtain at least 40% in two other subjects,
• Must obtain at least 30% for four other subjects.
• Must past at least 6 out of 7 subjects.

Diploma pass requirements

• Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language,
• Must obtain at least 40% for three other subjects excluding Life Orientation,
• Must obtain at least 30% in the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the tertiary institution (Higher Education Institution),
• Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects.

With this pass you can apply to study for a diploma at a TVET college or University of Technology.

Bachelor’s Degree pass requirements:

• Must obtain at least 40% for your Home Language (compulsory),
• Must obtain at least 50% for four other subjects excluding Life Orientation,
• Must obtain at least 30% in Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the tertiary (Higher Education) institution,
• Must obtain at least 30% for one other subject,
• Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects.

With a Bachelor's pass you can apply to study towards a degree at a university, university of technology, TVET college or any accredited Higher Learning Institution.

Level system: What the grades mean

• Level 7: 80–100% (Outstanding achievement)
• Level 6: 70–79% (Meritorious achievement)
• Level 5: 60–69% (Substantial achievement)
• Level 4: 50–59% (Moderate achievement)
• Level 3: 40–49% (Adequate achievement)
• Level 2: 30–39% (Elementary achievement)
• Level 1: 0–29% (Not achieved: Fail)

Which subjects are compulsory?

• Home Language
• First Additional Language
• Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
• Life Orientation
• Either English or Afrikaans as one of your languages

Sources: The Department of Basic Education
