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Finding Strength in the Storm of Covid-19

Finding Strength in the Storm of Covid-19

Posted: 20 Nov 2020

2020 has been full of the unexpected and it is not surprising that many of us are feeling worn down and disoriented by the events of the past eight months. Given the disruptions in education at all levels, E-Classroom has had the privilege of walking parts of this difficult journey with you. It has been an honour to witness parents and teachers discovering reserves of strength and finding stability to weather the storm.  


There are harsh effects of this global event that should not be underplayed or overlooked and many of us are wondering how we will find the resources to carry us through future waves of uncertainty.  As well as negatives, however, there have also been some unexpected positive impacts that are worth considering. 

Online learning 

Children have surprised us with their remarkable resilience and ability to adapt to unfamiliar learning environments. Online learning has become the norm, creating new opportunities to develop essential skills required in the digital age. The future world of work awaits our children, where geographical location is becoming increasingly irrelevant and having an established, independent personal work ethic is essential to success. Numerous shy or introverted learners who have difficulty speaking up in traditional classroom settings have managed to find their voice and flourish in the online environment. Parents are more in touch with how classes are taught and how their children perceive the concepts they are learning.  

Life Lessons 

Our children have learned to enjoy new hobbies and down-time at home and with family. They have been made aware of the struggles of others.  Many of them have participated in efforts to alleviate the suffering of those most deeply affected, gaining empathy as they learn to share what they have. Simply by wearing masks, upping personal hygiene and minimising unnecessary contact with others, they are gaining a deeper respect for the safety and wellbeing of others and themselves. They have been given a chance to explore interests that there was little time or space for before. They have learned to treasure face to face time with loved ones and friends when opportunities arise because they know what it feels like to be isolated.  

Deeper Connections 

We have all been required to take a collective breath and rely more on each other for reinforcement and encouragement to make our way through the maze of 2020, as we lean in to our “support bubbles”. We have become more vulnerable with each other as video calls have provided windows into our personal living spaces. Both work and learning environments have become increasingly genuine, human and self-paced. Many old connections have been rekindled as people grow familiar with the versatility of virtual communication.  


In order to survive, organisations are coming up with new or modified ideas of operating which is exciting to witness. A new wave of online tools and software is being delivered to keep us connected and engaged and to provide platforms for updated product ranges to come forward. Innovators are looking to technology to help us defend ourselves against possible future global catastrophes. 

Our Focus 

At E-Classroom we have concentrated on delivering innovative, reliable, affordable and effective solutions and support for parents and learners. This has been tricky, given the constantly moving goal posts, but we are committed to providing top quality, technology-friendly and highly accessible learning options in several ways. 

  • We have stepped up our provision of PDF resources for the CAPS curriculum. This lightens the load for teachers and parents as we deliver worksheets, lesson plan resources and assessment tools.  
  • Producing video lessons in all subjects for Grades 4 to 7 on E-Academy has been a major initiative and we now offer about 650 per grade on average. Grade 8-9 will be developed during 2021.  
  • We are also proud to be launching our online lessons for learners who need the extra help.   


We trust that these initiatives will continue to be a source of guidance and support in the education of your child in these changeable and challenging times. 


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

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