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6 new subjects expected to be introduced in South African Schools

6 new subjects expected to be introduced in South African Schools

Posted: 08 Feb 2019

The Department of Education will introduce two years of compulsory early childhood development (ECD) for all children. This compulsory enrolment will apply to all children between the ages of four and five and will take place before the child enters grade 1.


New technology and subjects

Over the next six years, government will provide every school child in South Africa with digital workbooks and textbooks on a tablet device starting with schools that have been historically most disadvantaged and which are in the poorest communities.

The Department of Education would also expand the training of both educators and learners to ‘respond to emerging technologies’ including the internet of things, robotics and artificial intelligence.

Several new technology subjects and specialisations will be introduced including:

  • Technical mathematics
  • Technical sciences
  • Maritime sciences
  • Aviation studies
  • Mining sciences
  • Aquaponics
  • Appointing adequately qualified teachers whose subject content knowledge is at required levels;
  • Implementing a ‘new innovative way’ of assessing learners through the National Integrated Assessment Framework for Grades 3, 6 and 9 as a replacement for Annual National Assessments (ANA);
  • Amending the curriculum to prepare learners for the fourth industrial revolution;
  • Prioritising policies and strategies targeting the achievement of quality teaching and learning outcomes by enhancing the skills and competencies of educators, including the school management team comprising the school principal, deputy principal and subject heads.
  • Fast-tracking the promotion and implementation of indigenous language programmes, including finalisation of language legislation in provinces for inclusion in the school curriculum.
  • Promoting study of history in schools.


Information Source: https://businesstech.co.za/news/government/


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