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2020 Vision – Tips For Starting School

2020 Vision – Tips For Starting School

Posted: 25 Jun 2019

It is said that hindsight is 20/20 vision, in other words we see what we should have done when it is too late. The year 2020 will be upon us before we know it, and if you are preparing your child for school you need foresight, not hindsight. When your son or daughter enters the school system for the first time, you may have mixed feelings of excitement, sadness and trepidation – so much to plan, so much to buy, and so much to do!  Below are some tips to help you.


Transport To and From School


If you are a working parent, the logistics of getting your child to school in the morning can be a problem.  Make sure that you understand the school rules related to his/her arrival at school.  

  • By what time must your child be at school?
  • What is the earliest time he can be dropped off?
  • Is there a special drop-off zone and other safety issues to take into consideration?


Once you know this, you can make plans ahead of time about who is going to drive your child, or walk with your child, to school and what time they must leave.  A little one who arrives at school after the bell has gone will feel flustered and unprepared – certainly not a good way to start the day.

It is also necessary to find out what the procedure is for the end of the day so your child will feel secure about who will meet him after school, and where they will meet him.


School Uniform


Buying the school uniform can leave a hole in your pocket, however some schools have second-hand uniform shops where you can pick up bargains.  Another option is to ask friends with older children at the same school if they have any items of clothing that they have grown out of.  Most people find that buying 3 uniform sets for their son or daughter is ample.  This means that on any given day the child will be wearing one, one will be going into the wash and one coming out of the wash.

Make sure that you don’t leave the purchasing of the school uniform until the week before school as the uniform shops are bedlam in January. In addition to this, they may have run out of items in certain sizes. However, do consider not buying the school shoes too early as children’s feet can grow a lot over the December holidays.  School shoes can feel restrictive to a 6 year old who is not used to wearing shoes. .  It is a good idea to let your little one ‘wear in’ their shoes for short periods in the days leading up to the start of the schoolyear.


It is vitally important to label every item of your child’s uniform to prevent lost property.  The company, Just Labels, which has been around for more than twenty years, sells personalised iron-on labels and sew-on labels. 

  • Iron-on labels are easy to apply and are durable in wash temperatures up to 60 degrees c, a normal hot wash.  Mothers have reported that these labels can also be applied with a hair straightener.  
  • Sew-on labels are more suited to the boarding school environment, where washing conditions are harsher.  
  • There are special labels for shoes too.


Classroom Stationery


Many schools have a list of stationery requirements per grade, to help the learner be prepared for exactly what he or she will need in class. Some schools prescribe the company the stationery must be ordered from, which is a less time-consuming option, whilst other schools allow you to shop around for the best prices.

Whatever the case, once again make sure that every item of stationery is labelled for peace of mind.  Just Labels has this covered too, with a range of printed, personalised labels for pencils, large items (e.g. lunch boxes), smaller items (e.g. sharpeners) and books. These are all durable and the ink will not rub off.

An ideal sized pack of labels is Just Labels’ Starter Pack.  This has sufficient labels for a school beginner and, if necessary, you can top up with individual products later in the year.



School Lunches


These days, schools are becoming vigilant of children having healthy snacks in their lunchboxes.  It goes without saying that good nutritional food is preferable to sugary snacks. 





Right from the start, try to set a routine for doing homework.  Good homework habits will stand your child in good stead for the rest of his school career.  In order for him to focus on the task at hand, it is best to set aside a special place for homework, whether it is a desk in his bedroom or at the kitchen table. 



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